

Ok, long time ago the internet was about text, and text only.

Which isn't the case any longer, especially in the WWW domain,

where moving graphics and award-hungry designs take away any

advantage that faster connections might once have offered.

More bandwidth, less information.

Which needn't be the case, obviously. And, as I'm one of

those that consider pure black-on-white text still worth a glance

and attractive enough, and as there's less and less to read online

nowadays than should be, I decided to upload some classical texts

here, available both in a readable online format and as a zipped

ASCII file. The texts are believed to be free of copyright, were

retrieved from somewhere else on the net and include editorial or

scanning notes where available. If someone sees his or her work

infringed by the publication of any of these texts, please let me know.




What have we got so far?



Herman Melville, Moby Dick, written in 1850/1

Cervantes, Don Quixote



Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

John Locke, Concerning Civil Government

John Locke, Concerning Human Understanding

Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species

Guy Debord, On PsychoGeography (in German)